Sliderhea for ALS

Thank you to everyone for helping make our first Goofy Giving Fundraiser a huge success! We had a blast and even though Danny was only able to eat 17 White Castle Sliders, we hit our goal and helped raise over $1,000 for ALS.

Check out the video here...

A big Thank You to Jim Helton and White Castle for donating the sliders for our event!


ALS sucks... We have a fellow dad friend who struggles with the nasty ALS disease that robs the body of its ability to walk, speak, swallow and breathe.

So we are doing something fun to help find a cure!

Sliderhea for ALS
Live Facebook Video
Saturday, September 7 @ 5:00pm

Watch on FaceBook Live as one of our very own GoofyDads, Danny Spears, tries to break the record for most White Castle Burgers eaten at one time to help raise money for ALS!

The record is 107... so either he will break the record, break the toilet, or both!

Please Donate here to Help!